Recurve Archery Aiming Technique

recurve archery aiming technique

The process of aiming the recurve bow is not easy. If you are a regular shooter, you probably already know how to aim your recurve bow. But for beginners, this can be really challenging. They won’t have the knowledge required to aim a recurve bow correctly. That’s where this article comes in!

Many shooters nowadays are reverting back to the traditional practice of aiming their recurve bow. In archery circles, it is considered to be very difficult to shoot in this way. However, you will find that once you have this process under your belt, you will increase your draw weight and instinctively aim correctly.

Instinctive judgment is hard to grasp at first. In this article, we look at how to improve the aiming process of a recurve bow, and in turn, increase your draw weight.

How To Aim Your Recurve Bow

How to aim your recurve bow

There are some fundamental rules to follow when aiming the recurve bow, which are outlined in this article. If the procedure is not observed in full, it will cause a considerable problem when shooting. You will miss the target. It is, therefore, essential if you want to shoot accurately, that you commit to the standards in full.

The basic requirements for aiming a recurve bow are:-

  • Correct Stance
  • Correct Grip
  • Proper Finger Positioning
  • Correct Placing Of The Arrow On The Bow
  • Drawing the Bow
  • Aiming 
  • Correct Release

Now we cover the above points one by one in more detail.

Correct Stance

Correct archery stance

The correct stance is crucial to aiming your recurve bow. If your stance is incorrect in any way, you will miss the target. For those of you who are right-handed shooters, you need to stand with your left hip facing the target. It should not be of any surprise to you then, that for those of you who are left-handed shooters, you need to stand with your right hip facing the target. 

Ensure you keep your body vertical. Again, if your position is incorrect, you will miss your target. Never lean to one side during your stance. We have found it useful to imagine your body has a fixed vertical line running through your center, that needs to be kept totally straight. 

This will ensure that you remain totally upright. There is no room for nervousness during the stance as it will break the possibilities of a proper stance. Relax and ensure you have the correct form.

Correct Grip

The grip on your bow must be correct. Keep a relaxed grip on it. As a right-handed shooter, you need to hold the bow with your left hand holding on to the grip. The recurve bow has handles, so you will know precisely where you need to hold your bow. Your front lifeline must be perpendicular to the ground. This means that your hand must be at 45-degrees to the ground. Holding your bow too hard will reduce your accuracy.

Proper Finger Positioning

It is a common mistake to jerk too hard at the string. This will affect the arrow, causing it to fly in a way that is not straight. Your release should be kept gentle and smooth. Don’t overthink this while putting your finger to the string. 

Relax your finger and place it on your string. Never move your arm or hand for no reason during your shot. Always remember that holding your gear correctly will lead to 100% success.

Correct Placing Of The Arrow On The Bow

Placing your arrow on the shelf side of the rest, push the nock of the arrow. So that it is horizontal, turn on the recurve bow. When you do this the arrow rest should face up to the front. Between the two brass nocking points, the string between the nocking points should be such that the cock fletch is pointing upwards. 

Then bring the bow back to the vertical position again. Never push hard. Place the arrow to the right side and find the best advantages from the recurve bow.


Use your dominant eye for this part. This is the eye you feel most comfortable to look through. Simply look down the arrow, aligning it with the target. Never grip the arrow using your fingers. Instead, pull back the string using back muscles hence working towards increasing your draw weight. 

Never use your arm. Your index finger of your pulling hand should be placed under your chin. One other thing that will break your attention is touching your lips while shooting.

Correct Release Point

It is vital that you are relaxed during this whole process. Try to relax your grip repeatedly. Use the grip you usually need to put on the string and repeatedly allow your main fingers to slip backwards gently to practice. When you have completed your shot, you must keep your body still. Your release point needs to be perfect.

Other tips

  • The best way to pull your arrows after shooting them is to pull them straight out of the target. Never pull them out at an angle as you run the risk of ruining your arrow by bending it.
  • To line up your takedown bow to the target, use your dominant eye. This is the eye you feel most comfortable looking through.
  • Conducting archery shooting in your side-yard is not usually illegal. In most places a recurve bow does not need to be registered to be used. But please be safe. Also, check with your local law authority. If they give you permission, then it is definitely not illegal.


Archery is a gentleman’s game. It needs to be precise and according to plan. Patience and practice are the keys to your success. Remember to use your dominant eye when shooting. Don’t be nervous, but be confident and follow the basic rules to ensure aiming accuracy. 

Using the correct grip is compulsory for shooters. If you need to, you can opt to use hand gloves. Finally, always remember that your finger position must be right, and never jerk too forcefully at the string.

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