Archery Exercises to Increase Draw Weight

archery exercises to increase draw weight

These archery exercises to increase draw weight are technically an exercise program. So as with any new exercise regimen be sure to check with your doctor first.

​Are you searching for archery exercises to increase your draw weight so you can become a better archer?  We outline 7 exercises here that will help strengthen your arms, back, and shoulders.

Archery is very addictive and lots of fun. Not only is it great for hand-eye coordination, but also for improving concentration and general mental fitness. A lot of weight placement is needed to draw the bow, so it is great for physical fitness too. Add to that the walking you will do to collect arrows, and this becomes an all-round fitness sport.

Shooting a Bow Will Work Your Muscles

When first starting to shoot a bow and arrow, people generally do not realize how much strength they will need. The continual drawing of the bow, and holding it full drawn to aim, works your shoulders and arms. These seven archery exercises to increase your draw weight will target these areas.

On completion of a two-hour practice session, you will struggle to aim at all. By exercising the upper body, you will improve your draw strength. This will improve your handle of the draw, and you will have more stamina to aim at the end of such a practice session. 

So if you want better control over your shot and you want to shoot for longer periods, these seven exercises will help.

Advice Before you Exercise

So that you get the most out of our exercises, read the information below first.


Reps are repeats or the number of times you do the exercise. For strength improvements do 10-12 reps. If building muscle mass, you would only do about 6.


This is the number of times you do reps. We do 3 sets of each workout, with a minute break between sets.


To build strength, we need to lift low weights but do more reps. By lifting high weights and low reps, you will build muscle, not strength, so avoid this. Pick a weight that is easy to lift. If you find that you cannot do all of the reps, move down to a lower weight

7 Archery Exercises to Increase Draw Weight

This exercise strengthens the middle of your back and mimics drawing a bow, effectively using similar muscles.
You are probably aware that you use your shoulders in archery, but the muscles in your back play a big part too. Increasing back strength helps to control your shots.

#1 One-Arm Dumbbell Row – Middle Back

one arm dumbell row
  1. ​Bending your right leg, place your knee on a raised flat surface, keeping it balanced with your toes also on the surface.
  2. If you have used your right knee, place your right hand on the flat surface also, so that half your body is effectively on all fours.
  3. Ensure that your upper body is parallel to the floor.
  4. Using your left hand and keeping your back straight, lift up the dumbbell.
  5. Pull the dumbbell up to your chest slowly.
  6. Lower the dumbbell slowly and straighten your left arm.
  7. ​Repeat for required reps.
  8. Do this again on the left side of your body.

#2 Dumbbell Shrug – Back – Trapezius Muscle

Dumbbell shrug

This particular muscle is found in the middle of the upper back, between the shoulder blades. This exercise is designed to strengthen this. It is effectively like shrugging your shoulders while holding dumbbells.

  1. ​Stand up holding a dumbbell in both of your hands.
  2. With your arms straight, lift up your shoulders.
  3. Lower your arms back down
  4. Repeat for required reps.

#3 One-Arm Laterals – Shoulder

one arm laterals

Your shoulders are essential in archery, so using dumbbells, complete this exercise often to strengthen them.

  1. ​Standing up, hold one dumbbell in your left hand, holding it to your side.
  2. The right hand should be holding on to an exercise bench.
  3. Ensuring to keep your body straight, slowly lift your left arm out so that it is parallel to the floor. Have a small bend in your elbow when you do this.
  1. Lower the weight back down to your side. 
  2. Repeat for required reps and then do on the other side.

#4 Push-Ups – Shoulder, Chest, Upper Arms

push ups for archery exercises to increase draw weight

Push-ups are a great exercise as they can be done with no equipment and at home. If this is your first time doing push-ups, start with a basic push-up. 

  1. With your arms shoulder-width apart, lay on the floor.
  2. You should be on your tip-toes, with your arms outstretched.
  3. ​Slowly lower yourself towards the ground, by bending your elbows. Your chest should almost touch the floor.
  4. Hold the position for a second.
  5. Push yourself slowly back up to your starting position. 
  6. Repeat for required reps.

#5 Pull-Ups – Shoulder

Pull up exercises to increase draw weight

You will need a pull-up bar to do this exercise. This exercise can be challenging as it requires a good draw weight to start with. If you struggle, don’t give up. Practice and you will eventually do them correctly. Also, once you do the other exercises here that improve your draw weight, you will be able to do this exercise with ease.

  1. Hold on to the bar, palms facing forward and keeping your arms straight.
  2. Lift up your body using your arms.
  3. Stop and hold for a second once your chest lines up with the bar. (If you a struggling to do this, hold when your chin lines up with the bar)
  4. Gradually lower your body.
  5. Repeat for your required reps.

#6 Bench Dips – Arms – Triceps

bench dip exercise

Your triceps are below your shoulders on the backs of your arms.

  1. Place a chair, table or bench behind you.
  2. With your back to the bench, using your hands hold on to the edge of it. 
  3. Fully extend your arms.
  4. Both legs should be fully extended in front of you.
  5. Lower your body down slowly at the elbow
  6. Stop when your upper arms and forearms are making a 90-degree angle
  7. Using your triceps, push yourself back up. 
  8. Repeat for your required reps

#7 Dumbbell Bicep Curl – Arms – Biceps

dumbbell bicep curl

These muscles are on the front part of your upper arms.

  1. While standing, hold a dumbbell in each arm at either side of you.
  2. Keeping your upper arm still, lift the dumbbell until it reaches the shoulder.
  3. Lower the dumbbell down slowly to your starting position.
  4. Then repeat for your required reps on the other side.


These archery exercises to increase your draw weight are perfect for archers. They will strengthen your upper body, which in turn will help you when hitting that target and improve your stamina. These have been selected as they are relatively easy for a beginner and yield great results. The only equipment needed is dumbbells and for one of the exercises a pull-up bar. Also, they can all be done at home.

We would recommend picking 4 or 5 of the exercises here to start with, and making them part of your routine. It would be beneficial to alternate some of these exercises to work out different parts of the body. We hope you found this useful, especially once you notice your draw weight increase and your shot improve.

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